Three annotated games and a study
Update: Zenchess, a talented new addition to the chess blogosphere, has generously provided a detailed analysis of the first game here. I will have to wait until I'm done with work to look at his analysis closely, but on a quick reading it looks very helpful. He is an 1800+ player USCF (2000+ standard at ICC) and likes to analyze games, so he said to tell the Knights if anyone wants his help, throw a game his way. Thanks, Zenchess!
Two losses and a draw. Click on the description to be taken to the corresponding annotated game.
Game 1 (white/loss): Loss with Grand Prix Attack
Game 2 (black/draw): How to not win a won game
Game 3 (black/loss): A noble but unsuccessful parry
The following is the key position from Game 3, in which I had a strong opening and went into a comfortable middle game. My turn, as black, to move:

See Game 3 above to see what happened next. This type of position is quite common, so I should learn it well. The game was mine to lose, which I of course did quite flagrantly.
Two losses and a draw. Click on the description to be taken to the corresponding annotated game.
The following is the key position from Game 3, in which I had a strong opening and went into a comfortable middle game. My turn, as black, to move:

See Game 3 above to see what happened next. This type of position is quite common, so I should learn it well. The game was mine to lose, which I of course did quite flagrantly.
1.Be5 why not but:
1.... Rb2 look more natural and prevent simply the white treat because if 2.Bh7 Rh8 the queen is overloaded she can protect both the bishop and the knight on d2 so Rook d2 decide.
I mean Kh8 or Rh8(roi h8) in French...
I was able to look through the GPA game.Nicely annotated. I need to learn how to post the game in the web. Better players will have more meaningful comments. As for my personal preference when playing the GP, I would of not put the question to the bishop with h3 and I would of captured with the queen which is more active.
You were never able to get the king side attack going. I am succesfull when I get the center locked up, black's pieces are uncoordinated to get to the kingside easily and am able to push an attack kingside.
keep up the good fight!
some suggestion for game1
16..Qc6 Now my pawn is attacked.. so the move you made was 17.Re3
If I were you, i would have played e5. Then after he takes dxe5, you can take with your knight to etablish a temp. outpost, or with the pawn to drive his knight away.
The idea is to try and keep the initiative. Passive defense gets me into trouble too often..
I try to find the most provocative moves first, the one where the opponent is forced to react.. then if there is none, then the quiet moves - of course i dont always find them, and i dont know if that is correct.. but by forcing the opponent, he might just make a mistake because of the "pressure" - well, just my two cents anyhow..
btw: I'm waiting for the latest edition of "My System". It will be due on dec 12. Cant wait to read what the stormy petrol has to say about tarrasch.. Then maybe i will name some of my games as the overprotection game I, overprotection game II, overprotection game III, IV, etc.. :)
Nezha and guillaume thanks for the suggestions. I definitely need to try to meet two goals at the same time more often: meet a threat and make a threat at the same time. I'll take a closer look at the suggestions when I get off work...
I just pre-ordered that new translation of My System. Cool, as I didn't know one was due out!
Just a couple comments: the opening, you play Bd6 then c5 a lot. note that if d4xc5 then Bxc5 loses a tempo. so it might be slightly more accurate to delay Bd6 until after playing c5 and developing both knights. that way in case white captures d4xc5 you are up a full tempo. the Abraxas game, how about 42...RxN and then Ne2 forks and after Nxg1, if the king takes g-pawn, then Ne2 will pick up both c and a pawns. if white does not take g-pawn, it will queen.
you did a great job analyzing your games.
Thanks Patrick. Very useful comments. I have just started to encounter 1. d4 as black since my rating went up, so I think I am probably not playing all that great. Your idea about Bd6 and c5 is excellent.
Great tactical idea for move 42!
I responded to your comment on my last game (What about 18...kxh7).
I was actually quite impressed of your play; you played well against stronger players and usually got into a good position against them.
1. In the opening, activate all your pieces. (mostly you did this well)
2. Before moving try to look first if your opponent has any captures or checks after the move you're going to play. (I think that this decided most of your games)
Game 1
8...Bg4 looks a lot like a mistake. Did you consider playing 9.d4 after it? (9.d4 a6 10.dxc6 axb5 11.cxb7 Rb8 12.Qxb5+ Bd7 or 10.Ba5 b5 11.Bxb5 axb5 12.Qxb5 looks good for White)
Did you consider playing 10.dxc5? After 10...dxc5 Black does indeed have problems with his pawns.
12.Bd2? Loses a pawn
This is probably ok but I would instinctively play 13.Nxc3 - developing at least a piece with a tempo, perhaps aiming to play d5 fast and opening bringing the second rook to f-file.
Again probably ok but why not protect this pawn and develop a piece with Re1?
I didn't understand this. Something like 22.b3 and then 23.Rc1 or even 22.Rc1 right away is what I'm thinking. It is past twenty moves and you haven't developed your second rook (then again your opponent has only his queen in action).
This is not good. You do not have that many moves with your pieces so you should either a.) Improve your king with 27.Kg1 or b.) Start to move your pawns where you have the majority, i.e. the queenside.
Game 2
Like Patrick mentioned, playing c5 first is a good idea so that you can develop with a tempo if White should capture.
Probably ok but why not develop a piece (6...Nc6) or castle, a6 is more important if you want to prevent Nb5 before developing queen to c7 (knight would fork queen and your good bishop).
Winning a pawn with Bxf4 is better. Still you have an excellent position, your opponent has been digging his own grave and the mobility of his knights is nonexistent. White's only solution is to counterattack on the queenside in order to get his rook into play.
Looks like a good move but it seems to be too early for it. I was thinking if just increasing your advantage with b4-a5-a4 and waiting for White to crack.
Why not just take a free pawn with 20...Bxh3, if White plays 21.Rxe2?? then Rg2+ is a nasty surprise.
Like you comment Ref8 wins a knight.
A good idea but in this kind of position where you are completely winning just play it careful - first improve your king with 35...Kg7, keep your pawns on the light squares and after your king is in the middle of the board protecting those pawns attack on the queenside.
I'm not sure if White is winning after 41.Nxd5 Re6 42.Kf2 g3+ 43.Kf3 g2 44.Bg1, maybe just 42...Nxe3 is better.
62...c1=Q =
62...Kb4 is the last try, threat is again c1=Q and after 63.Kb2 a3+ Ka2 c1=Q Bxc1 Nxc1+ Kb1 Kb3 Ka1 you should be able to move the knight Nd3-Nb4-Nc2 and win.
Game 3
Did you consider 15...Rxa6? White has to retreat the bishop and you can attack a-pawn right away (16.Bb2 Rfa8 17.a4 Bc6)
He is going to capture with a check so you've basically sacrificed a knight here. Fortunately for you your opponent didn't see any longer that his rook is under attack after Kf8
As you comment not the greatest move. 25...Qa5 would still offer counter play as the white knight to retreat and you'll win the d4-pawn. You have all sorts of threats, maybe exchanging off one rook with Rb1+ etc.
After that it gets ugly.
(Sorry that this comment got a bit out of hands...)
- bahus
Bahus: excellent comments all: thank you very much. I will have to read them over more closely later, but on first read they seem quite sage. I didn't realize you were back blogging after the brief break. I need to revise my sidebar soon.
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