Quick update on my slackiness
Because [insert irrelevant personal details of Blue Devil Knight's life], I have done no work on Tasc Chess Tutor (TCT) since last Thursday. I'll update this post when I finally get back to it. I hope it will be tonight, but because [insert more irrelevant personal details of BDK's life], it might not be until tomorrow. If I don't update in the next three days, feel free to cast aspersions in my general direction.
It's great to see the new Knights! I have often wondered how long the blogworld of the Knights Errant will last. A couple of years? Five years? Ten years? My guess is that the Knights Errant will be around for about 7250 years.
It's great to see the new Knights! I have often wondered how long the blogworld of the Knights Errant will last. A couple of years? Five years? Ten years? My guess is that the Knights Errant will be around for about 7250 years.
[Update 6/29: I finally fired up TCT again last night. Luckily for me, I happened to be on the test 'Practice shorthand algebraic notation', which was a nice way to start to ease back into things.]