Friday, June 05, 2009

Blue Devil Open, Round One coming up!

An enterprising graduate student at Duke has started a chess tournament and baptized it the Blue Devil Open. One game a week on Sunday evenings, and the first round is this coming Sunday. I have to hand it to him for finding the greatest possible name for a tournament. I think I should get two-point byes just because of my alias here at the blog.

The tournament consists of 3 rounds (one round starting at 6:30 PM on 6/7, 6/14, and 6/21), Swiss pairing system. Registration will open at 6 PM in Meeting Room A of the Bryan Center, and the first round should get started around 6:30 PM.

Time control: G/120
Entry Fee: $10
Prizes will be determined on the first night, once the TD knows the number and distribution of players.

USCF rated/USCF membership required.

Click here for a map of Duke with the Bryan Center highlighted.

J'adoube is not allowed. Everyone else, whether from Duke or not, is welcome to come and have a fun game of chess.


Blogger Tommyg said...

Ya know I am not even sure if the play chess at my alma mater...University of Miami (fl)?? They don't call it Suntan U for nothing! :)

I am still not sure what Miami is doing in the ACC. Have fun with the tournament!

6/05/2009 10:25:00 PM  
Blogger From the patzer said...

So now that your one goal, making blue devil famous, is reached i wonder if your next goal is to win this tournament?

6/06/2009 01:29:00 AM  
Blogger wang said...

Yeah, you pretty much have to win this thing now...

6/06/2009 10:47:00 AM  
Blogger Blue Devil Knight said...

I can guarantee I will win if I am given two-point byes in each round, or even in two of the three rounds.

6/06/2009 12:04:00 PM  
Blogger es_trick said...

Btw, my HS mascott was the Blue Devils, too. That was Shortridge High, in Indianapolis. Senator Richard Lugar and Kurt Vonnegut are a couple of its more distinguished alumni. Unfortunately, the school was closed in 1981.

Anyway, good luck in the BDO.

6/06/2009 01:44:00 PM  
Blogger Loomis said...

I forgot to send in my suggestion of "Sunday Night Moves" but I think Blue Devil Open is a good choice and this tournament is a good addition to triangle chess. Especially with the LPO and Class championships moving from Greensboro to Winston-Salem and Charlotte, convenient USCF games longer than G/60 or G/70 were becoming rare for the triangle player. I'm looking forward to it.

6/07/2009 02:04:00 PM  

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